Title: The Joy of New Clothes
Date: March 15th, 2023
Weather: Cloudy but bright
Today was a day filled with joy and laughter. I received a surprise gift from my parents - a new dress! It's my favorite color and design, making me feel so special. Wearing this dress, I feel like a princess. I cannot wait to show it off to my friends. This gift is more than material; it's a symbol of love and care from my parents. I am truly grateful.
Title: A Day at the Zoo
Date: June 2nd, 2023
Weather: Sunny and warm
This morning, I had the pleasure of visiting Beijing Zoo with my teachers. We took the bus and arrived in about half an hour. The zoo was full of various animals, starting with the pandas, my favorite. Their cute and playful nature made me smile. Next, we watched an elephant show where the elephants demonstrated their intelligence by solving math problems. I took some photos to capture the moments. The zoo visit lasted for about two hours, and I had a wonderful time. When I returned home, tired but happy, I couldn't wait to share my experiences with my family.